
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

There is one downside to far long term planning.

Men who live in the here and now, those who live in the moment are them men who live paycheck to paycheck and have no real plans for the future. These men may accumulate incredible amounts of debt without any sort of plan or idea how to pay it back.

In contrast, smarter men will live frugally. It is not that they don't spend money, they just make sure to only spend money on the things that count. They know how to get the most amount of value and enjoyment out of every dollar spent. This is a more effective way to enrich a man's life.

Men who are capable of long term planning can plan out the next 5, 10, or 20 years. Some men will even go as far to plan out an entire life on spreadsheets.

This is the kind of man that will make estimates for his life. How long he will live, how much he estimates his salary will be, how cheap he can keep his living expenses, and he might even plan out multiple scenarios for his future.

However, no matter how it will end, it will end. This life will be all over. All of our experiences. Everything we've seen, heard, and felt. Anger, joy, and sorrow; it will end.

The men who plan nothing and live in the moment; chances are they hardly ever think about their own mortality.

But if you have the ability to see into the future, you know it is coming. Just think about where you were one year ago from today. In retrospect, it can seem like the whole thing passed by in a few minutes.

Don't believe me? Tomorrow, when you arrive at your office, read this post and then think about the 8 to 12 hours you have ahead of you. Think about how much of an eternity it will feel like to get through the drudgery of the day. Then go about your day as per usual. Clean up your station and drive home and read this post again. The second time you read this article, think to the point earlier in the day where you just arrived at your desk and was dreading the 12 hours ahead of you. When you think about it now, it will feel like the whole thing passed by in minutes.

The thing that I fear the most is when I'm in my late eighties and I'm dying with only a few minutes left to live. I'll think back to the time I was 8, 12, 16, 21, 24, 32, so on and so forth and thinking about how many years of my life passed by in mere minutes.

Men who know how to plan and see into the future probably contemplate their own mortality much more than men who live in the moment.

This is the reason we try to plan out our future. Your time is a limited resource. Try not to waste it and try to get the best value of what time you have left.

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