
Monday, May 5, 2014

Want to be more successful? Quit smoking.

There are 3 difficult habits that plague most Americans.


This post will focus on Cigarettes.

It is not easy, but if you can give up smoking, you can expect to live a more successful life.

While most people emphasize the fact that smoking causes cancer, I'll focus on the cost of habitual smoking.

Depending on where you live, a pack of cigarettes can cost anywhere from $5 (Kentucky) to $15 (New York).

Assuming someone actually did smoke a pack a day, the cost of cigarettes over one year would be anywhere from $1875 (Kentucky) to $5475 (New York).

Thankfully, or hopefully, most smokers don't smoke 20 cigarettes in a day. I can assume a more reasonable amount would be 2 packs a week. Averages out to be 5 or 6 cigarettes a day.

This brings the annual cost of cigarettes to about $520 to $1560.

Over the course of 10 years, the cost of cigarettes would come out to be between $5200 to $15600 (not factoring inflation).

The $5200 to $15600 could have been saved or allocated to other expenses like gas, food, insurance, clothing, or housing.

If you decide to quit smoking, realize that the sooner you quit, the more benefits and savings you will realize in the long run.

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