
Thursday, May 26, 2016

What would it be like to go to war? Actually we are in three.

I frequently consume news and media that say that the world is falling apart and that doomsday is always around the corner. Different opinions state that as a country's economic condition continue to worsen, the leaders in charge will try to go to war for any reason just to distract the public.

For a moment, I had to think about what it would be like if America would be drawn into war... but then I realized that America is already in a war. Actually, we are in multiple wars. Then I wondered, how many wars were we involved in?

As far as I understood things, America was in war with Afghanistan ever since 2001. Then we went to war with Iraq in 2003 for some reason. After that, some country named Yemen was involved and the country Pakistan gets thrown around for whatever reason. How many wars were we currently fighting?

A quick search of Wikipedia gave the answer. It was 3.

Currently, we are involved in the War in North-West Pakistan. I have no idea what the reason is.
The War in Afghanistan actually ended in 2014 which is great but then another War in Afghanistan started in 2015. The Iraq War ended in 2011. I guess it ended because we killed Osama. But I think that just led into the War on ISIL in 2014.

To the average civilian, war is just so normal it is a way of life. It is normal because we aren't the ones that are fighting it. When I was younger, I always thought of war being the same as WWII or the Vietnam War. The war would always be on tv, myself and my peers would be drafted, supplies would be scarce so everyone had to make do with less and contribute to the war effort. At least, that was my perception of what war would be like.

The biggest reason why most civilians don't think about war is that there is no draft. Without being personally affected or knowing a loved one that is actually fighting, the only way we actually know what is happening is through the news. And of course, there is every other thing on Netflix, Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit that is competing for the average Joe's attention.

As far as I know, there is no resolution to the conflicts happening in the Middle East. I don't even know why and for what reason we are fighting there. Back in 2001, we entered these wars just to get revenge on terrorists. Other opinions state that the 2001 attacks were an inside job and that the federal government just wanted an excuse to strip the average citizen of his rights, privacy, and wealth. Some people believe that we have to bully the other countries and protect the petrodollar. If that we the case, I wish our leaders would just admit that.

I just wish they would bring our guys back home. I'd like it if we stopped spending money trying to fix the rest of the world's problems and just focus on defense. A foreign isolationist policy would probably be the best thing for America.

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