
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Trying Amazon Affiliate Again

A year or so ago, I tried making some money off the Amazon Affiliate program. I tried making some test orders to see if it worked but I never made any commission off of it. Also I wasn't sure if the program would net me money in the state I lived in.

I'm trying the program again to see if it works now. If anyone is about to buy something from amazon, please click the amazon banner in the top right of my blog. I just want to make sure if it will work this time for me.

I'd appreciate it greatly. Thank you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amazon won't give you commissions for items that you buy, only what third-party customers buy, Whenever you join an affiliate program, be sure to read the agreements (I need to do this to; most people probably skip through it).

    For more on affiliate marketing, check out this post.
