
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

According to Google, the next president of the United States will be...

With the advancement of Google in the last several years, it has been getting kind of eerie how much information is available on the internet and how well the internet can try to predict your thoughts and actions. I started noticing this when Google first came out with auto complete in their search bar.

With the amount of information available, it really kind of does feel like the scene in The Matrix where Trinity downloads the skills to learn how to fly a helicopter in a few seconds. A few years ago, I had to scan a document but didn't know how to use the scanner on my printer. Without a user manual, I just typed the model number of my printer into Google and found a youtube video on how to scan my document and convert it to a pdf file on my desktop using windows viewer.

With all this information available, I like to type in ridiculous questions to Google to see if I can find the answer.

How much can Justin Bieber bench press?
How old is SpongeBob Square pants?
How many ex boyfriends did Taylor Swift have?
What is the population of Antarctica?
What is the birth rate of Japan?

I found the answer to all of these with a quick Google search.

For fun, I'll also type in questions that no one could reasonably know and see what comes up. So, earlier today, I was wondering what would come up if I typed in, Who will be the next president?

Personally, I am making the prediction that it will be Hilary Clinton because I have faith that the US population is continuing to degrade and will choose the worst possible option. I recall the Bechtloff stated that, since Ronald Regan, every successive president has gotten worse and worse. Since I believe that America is still declining, I would not be surprised if Hilary Clinton became the next president of the United States. Of course, when I say all of this, I am half joking and half serious.

So I entered "Who will be the next president" into Google (as of 4/8/2015) and this article was the first thing that came up.

I'm not a fan of Glen Beck and I didn't bother to even read this article, this was just the first thing that came up. This isn't to state that Google is some sort of oracle with a crystal ball (even though I like to pretend that it is). This is just what got the most traffic for this search term as of this date.

I write this post for posterity. Now it is time to play the waiting game and wait until November 2016 to see how accurate Google is.

Should Hilary become the next president of the United States, I can make the following predictions.

The United States debt to GDP ratio will increase to 115% according to
Government spending to total debt ratio will continue to increase towards 50%.
Yes means Yes law will spread to at least 3 or 4 states.

However, I make these same predictions even if Hilary doesn't not get elected so that part is just kind of meaningless.

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