
Thursday, April 23, 2015


The ability to disappear, or ghosting, is one thing I admire about men who went Galt. Having the ability to ghost implies that the man has absolutely nothing tying him down. Ideally, a man that can ghost can fit everything inside his back pack and go. Below are two videos about ghosting I've watched in the last couple of months. The first is by Ravishing Rick Rude and the second one is by Sandman.

By having the ability to move without being seen, you are a man that has as little dependence on the outside world as possible. Doing this isn't easy though. Since the day we were born, most likely we were tagged with a social security number. But, like anything else in life, ghosting can be done to different degrees.

The first thing that most people can do is eliminate their online presence. If you don't make money online, you can deactivate or eliminate your facebook, twitter, youtube, or any other social media website. To an extent, you may be tagged in other peoples photos. That can't really be avoided. If you have the ability, make sure that you use only one main email account and try to make sure that email isn't gmail. It is useful to have one gmail in order to keep in touch with your bank accounts.

Deleting your social media accounts has one really nice benefit. You don't have to deal with people that you don't want to think about. I'm sure everyone has added people on facebook for the reason of not looking like a jerk by refusing the friend request. Everyone knows the person I'm talking about. You don't hate him or her, but every time you see them upload a picture or change a status update, you just wish they didn't exist. You might hate the person or just find him annoying.

The other thing I hated about facebook was having 20 people wish me a happy birthday on my birthday. 18 of the 20 people were facebook friends that wished me a happy birthday for the reason that they got an alert and would feel like a jerk if they didn't wish me a happy birthday. It just felt so fake.

Doing a light amount of ghosting is like cleaning out all the clutter on your desktop. Maybe this is just because I'm a misanthrope.

To take things one step further in order to avoid people, it is really useful to have a throwaway prepaid phone. Over the course of a few years, you might have a falling out with some people you have stored in your phone. If too many relationships go sour, they still have your phone number and could hit you up at any time. That is until you throw away your prepaid phone, buy another prepaid phone, and gain a new phone number.

People are just kind of complicated. It is like adding more parts to an already complicated machine.

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