
Monday, March 16, 2015

Bernard Chapin's finest work

The manosphere is full of colorful personalities. A lot of the content producers provide really good entertainment value. For tonight's Monday Night Motivation, I've linked this video of Bernard Chapin.

Here, he pokes fun of some guy named Rudolpho. I have no idea who this Rudolpho fellow is but he sounds disappointing.

The presentation of this video is just superb. I was immediately taken by the anthem that Bernard was singing and the theatrics of him going to the side just to sniff a bottle of glue.

The fact that Bernard is wearing 10 ties probably implies that this Rudolpho fellow might have worn 2 ties at the same time sometime during his career. Man, the 10 ties is just great.

Bernard goes on to mock some article and spends the entire 9 minute video just doing so.

Enjoy your Monday Night Motivation as much as I have and I'll see you tomorrow.

Good night.

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